Why the "Mini Budget" Doesn't Matter a Jot

27th September 2022

It's been barely a week since the latest incarnation of the UK Government announced its "mini budget" and the reaction in the media and within financial markets has been huge. However, this article explains that, in the grand scheme of things, it's not likely to be as significant as many would suggest.

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Keeping Compliant with Consumer Duty

30th August 2022

Since the FCA announced the new Consumer Duty, many commentators have suggested this will be a radical shift and require wide-reaching behavioural changes for IFAs to remain compliant. However, we don't believe it needs to be quite so drastic, and this article explains why.

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Case Study: Berkshire-Based IFA

19th July 2022

This post tells the story of an IFA headquartered in Berkshire and how working with PowerPlanner helped them overcome their challenges with capacity, compliance and quality.

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Don't Cut Corners; Just Don't!

22nd June 2022

The temptation to skip a part of the advice process or dodge a paraplanning task can sometimes be great, but invariably this has longer-term risks that can compromise compliance or quality of service. This post highlights a few common scenarios for which it has to be urged, when the temptation to cut corners is there, just don't!

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Agile Practices for IFAs

27th May 2022

The concept of "agile" is well known in software, but what does it mean and how can it be applied to the financial services industry? In this post, our technical director explains how agile methodologies can help IFAs.

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European Equities: Flames on the Horizon

28th April 2022

It's easy to blame Russia for the oppressively high inflation rates at the moment, but the truth is that there's not just one cause for it. This article explores the wider reasons for the inflation we're seeing right now, and why the Eurozone in particular may find itself hit hardest.

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How Much Detail Does a Defined Benefit Scheme Report Really Need?

31st March 2022

There's often a great deal of anxiety around giving advice on defined benefit pensions, and many succumb to the temptation to bloat the suitability report in an attempt to ensure everything is covered off. In this post, we explain what really does need to go into reports like this and why they don't need to be as complicated as you may first think.

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Reflections on the BOE/FCA Artificial Intelligence Report

28th February 2022

Earlier this month, the Bank of England and Financial Conduct Authority published a joint report on their research into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in financial services. In this post, our technical director presents his reflections on the report's findings and what it might mean for our industry.

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Why You Should Stop Using Emails

27th January 2022

Emails are often seen by financial advisers as the easiest and most convenient form of communication, but when your paraplanning process relies on email alone you get into major problems. This article explains why and shows how we do things better at PowerPlanner.

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2021 in Numbers

30th December 2021

As we reach the end of what's been a solid year for PowerPlanner, we reflect on the statistics of the past 12 months and look at where we can go from here in future.

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The Tale of "Transitory" Inflation

25th November 2021

Recovering from the global pandemic in combination with supply issues in certain sectors is having a significant effect on inflation. In this post we explore what that means for those of us with investment portfolios and whether we can rely on central banks to control things or if we need to be savvy with where we put our money.

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Tips for Improving your Client Files

29th October 2021

Having clear and well-organised client files is not only important for file reviews or FCA investigations, but it also benefits paraplanners and administrators, saving you time and money. In this post we present 4 top tips for improving your client files.

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Bringing Greater Efficiency to Restricted Advice Practices

29th September 2021

At PowerPlanner we have recently started doing some work with an appointed representative of a large restricted advice network. This post covers some of the efficiency gains we've been able to bring about and how our use of technology is giving them a competitive edge.

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Advantages of Outsourcing Key Business Functions

25th August 2021

Outsourcing and the so-called gig economy are popular ways of getting work done well and cost effectively, but the financial services industry in the UK has historically been reluctant to embrace this to its full potential. This latest post, in partnership with Axies Digital, explains how your business can really benefit from outsourcing some of your key functions.

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Breaking Bottlenecks to Scalability - Client Profiling

23rd July 2021

Following on from our top tips on breaking bottlenecks in your IFA practice's administrative process, this post presents how to efficiently develop a compliant client profiling strategy that can help you run a smoother paraplanning process and have a more scalable business.

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5 Important Reasons to Write Well in Business

15th June 2021

The quality of written prose is often overlooked in the instant messaging age, but, at PowerPlanner, we believe it's just as important to present yourself well in writing as it is to do so in person. This post, written in collaboration with Axies Digital, presents 5 important reasons why you should pay attention to your written presentation.

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The Importance of Paraplanners in Today's Financial Advice Process

29th April 2021

The role of a paraplanner should no longer involve just writing reports to facilitate the sale of financial products. These days, all advisers should ensure they have access to the experience and skills of a paraplanner. In this post, Kellie presents the top 6 things the modern-day adviser should expect from a decent paraplanning service.

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Top 5 Free Tools for Project & Task Management

13th April 2021

Keeping on top of project tasks and scheduling reminders or appointments can be tricky, especially during busy periods. This post, written in collaboration with Axies Digital, presents 5 useful tools that can help you organise your workload without spending a penny.

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Can You Really Save Money by Outsourcing Paraplanning?

30th March 2021

You'd be forgiven for thinking that whenever you outsource part of your business operations you are paying a premium for an on-demand increase in capacity, but, in fact, using PowerPlanner may actually be the most cost-effective solution for your business.

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Breaking Bottlenecks to Scalability - Administration

25th February 2021

Plan administration, LOA processing and data gathering are duties that all financial planning practices have to perform, but very often they're not done as efficiently as they could be. Here's a few tips that can help you run a smoother administration process and have a more scalable business practice.

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When do You Need a Suitability Report?

17th December 2020

We're often asked by advisers whether or not a full-on suitability report is needed for a particular case. It's not always obvious from the regulator's requirements, particularly with abridged advice now on the scene.

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Why You Should Probably Do Less Work

26th November 2020

With freelancing on the up, there are lots of opportunities to reduce your workload and free up time to concentrate on what you do best and what makes you profitable.

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Working with IO - A Technical Perspective

23rd June 2020

Having successfully integrated our adviser portal software with Intelligent Office, this post by our technical director focuses on the Intelliflo API and presents some hints and tips for getting the best out of it.

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Life in Financial Services after Covid-19

26th May 2020

How will the financial services industry's working patterns look when the lockdown is over? We explore the positives we should take from this experience to ensure any change is for the better.

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Time in the Market? Time to get Educated!

6th May 2020

Despite what many seem to be saying in light of the current crisis, the key to a successful long-term investment strategy is not just a matter of holding securities for as long as you can.

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How to Make Home Working Effective for Your Business

27th March 2020

With little forewarning, companies everywhere are now under pressure to have their staff work from home, but how do you do that without compromising productivity, security or morale? Here are 5 things you can try based on what works well for us.

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The Benefits of Home-Based Working

28th February 2020

Remote working is now more feasible than ever, and more companies should consider allowing it. This article sets out a personalised reflection on the benefits of working from home for both the employee and employer.

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5 Ideas for Scaling your Restricted Advice Business

18th February 2020

Are you a restricted market financial adviser? If so, you are in a great position to develop a lean workflow to maximise efficiency and productivity. Here's a few ideas about how you can make your process scalable and ready for business growth.

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How to Survive the Busy Season - Top 5 Tips

31st January 2020

The last 3 months of the tax year are invariably the busiest time in a financial planner's calendar. In this article we present our top 5 tips to help manage this extra workload and have a stress-free financial year end.

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2019 in Numbers

30th December 2019

As we reach the end of what's been a solid year for PowerPlanner, we examine some of the numbers and statistics and look at where we can go from here in future.

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Using MI for PI

10th November 2019

Having good management information (MI) can help your applications for professional indemnity (PI) insurance, and with premiums on the rise it's becoming increasingly worthwhile. This post explains how keeping track of your pension review cases can provide you with the sorts of metrics you need to get competitive insurance quotes.

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